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45-day autoflower seeds are pretty much what the name says, autoflower seed strains that complete the flowering cycle in around 45 days.
Autoflowering seeds have become a solid choice over the last few years due to their ease of cultivation which is ideal for new growers. 45 day autoflowers fast growth cycles provide the ability to produce solid yield numbers in about 65 days. Please keep in mind that the 45-day figure only relates to the flowering stage of growth. The average autoflower seed takes from 20-25 days until it starts flowering stage.
Most 45 day autoflowers take around 60 - 70 days to grow from seed to harvest. Autoflowers tend to start flowering within 2-4 weeks of vegetative growth. Every strain begins flowering a few days to a week or more in time difference which is why the window will be slightly different for each strain.
The final yield of any crop whether it is corn or 45 day autoflowers depend on the care that you give your plant, the strain you choose, and the cultivation style you decide to work with.
Indoor growing with living soil in 5 gal or larger pots can produce yields of 4oz or more We have done this in a grow diary. Outdoor-grown 45-day autos can also produce very well, it's just that you are at the mercy of the elements a little more.
Generally, growers can expect to yield around 2 to 4 ounces per plant from a 45-day autoflower. With that said, experienced growers can easily push the 6+-ounce mark.
The goal is to have a healthy vegetative stage to produce well in the flowering stage. Plants that get the right balance of nutrients, light, and water during the veg stage will produce the best possible buds.
45 day Autoflowers are easy for the beginning cultivator as long as they follow good grow practices.
In truth, there has to be a little bit of difference to fit in the Ruderalis genetics. You will often see a slight difference in the THC levels of a photoperiodic strain and the autoflowering version, but in reality, there isn't much of a difference at all. In todays breeder environment we have a bunch of plus 25% THC autos!
Take care of your seeds!
If you don’t plan to grow them right away, this is how we recommend storing your 45 day autoflower seeds for maximum longevity.
Quality 45 day autoflower seeds will easily survive for several years in a cool, dark, dry place. Keep them sealed in the vial they are packaged in, and that vial inside the zip-lock packaging somewhere as just described above. Cooler than room temperature is a great starting point such as dark closets etc. Keep them out of sunlight. Stable cool temperatures are best. For even longer-term storage keep your seeds refrigerated. The same key rules apply. No moisture, well-sealed and your 45 day autoflower seeds will easily keep for over 5 years.
This is the method which we use, and we always get fantastic results. Just as with growing a plant, getting the environment right is best.
Too hot or cold, dry or wet - Your seeds are going to have a bad time.
Usually with this method seeds show a nice tail and able to be potted between 36 - 60 hours, however it can take as long as 120 hours in a subpar environment so please don’t throw seeds away if they don’t look to be doing anything after 24-48 hours. If your germination environment is not on point, it will take longer. Also one strain could germinate faster than another, but just because they don’t germinate at the exact same time doesn’t mean it won’t germinate.
Step 1 - Take a length of toilet tissue of nice quality - 4 squares together is usually enough, fold in half twice so you’re left with one square of a nice thickness.
Step 2 - Take a spray bottle, fill with tap water and mist your tissue.
Step 3 - Add seeds, Fold over once again, and mist your tissue package of seeds until it is soaked through.
Step 4 - Place in a Ziploc sandwich bag and seal.
Step 5 - Wrap in an article of clothing which will insulate the seeds within nicely.
Step 6 - Place this somewhere warm with stable temperatures like the top of your Refrigerator.
Step 7 - After 24-36 hours you may want to open the bag and check on the progress, re-wet the tissue if necessary, and flip the package over.
Step 8 - Ready to plant once the seed has a taproot of 1/2” or so.
Once your seed has germinated it is time to plant. We grow in organic living soil and as such, our grow guide will reflect that choice. We use a homemade soil for our 45 day autoflowers. The recipe for our soil is as follows:
“WATER ONLY SOIL RECIPE: (This makes a little over 30 gallons or 4 cubic ft of soil)
15 gallons sphagnum peat moss
10 gallons aeration amendment ( perlite, lava rock)
5 gallons high-quality compost or earthworm castings (very important for proper nutrient cycling)
** For one or two plants we use 5 gal of Sphagnum peat, 3 gal perlite, and 2 gal of earthworm castings / compost mix. We then add the small KIS Organics Nutrient Pack and mix per instructions. You can run 2 plants in 5 gal pots or 1 in a 10 gal pot water only soil.
*** We don’t PH when using organic soil. The soil is your buffer and as such it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it.
Light cycles are a personal choice. 45 day Autoflowers will grow under a variety of cycles and options, however we would recommend no less than 18 hours on for indoor growing to obtain optimum results, and of course all the way up to 24 hours. The normal cycle we use is 20 / 4.
We prefer to only use organic products and we water with Terp Tea Grow and Bloom from Roots organic
45 day Autoflowers are a fantastic way for beginning growers to get started. These plants take some of the guesswork out of the grow cycle. When growing autoflower seeds if you can get 3 things right then you will be able to grow some bud. When growing autoflower seeds everything starts with the soil. We recommend an organic living soil that can sustain your plant with water only from seed to harvest. If you get the soil right, then 90% of your potential problems go away. Once you have your soil dialed in then literally all you have to do is give it light and water and you will get harvestable bud. Will it be a record harvest? Probably not but it will for sure give you a foundation on which to build your growing experience.